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Re: Man of my word.

And a question for y'all who use laptops or computers in your gaming--

What should my next priority be?  There are several obvious tasks to 
accomplish, some of them more difficult than others.  Among them would be:

Task: Basic character generation
Difficulty: Minimal
Time required: 1-2 weeks
Prerequisites: None
	Would allow a player to create character stats with little to no 
assistance and in considerably less time than pencil-and-paper.  The 
player would allocate so many "dice" to their abilities, click on "Roll 
it", and presto--abilities plus derived stats.  Player would still have to 
copy the numbers down to a character sheet, though.

Task: Skill infrastructure
Difficulty: Moderate
Time required: 1-2 weeks
Prerequisites: None
	Would give us the infrastructure to represent skills electronically.  Very 
little visible impact.

Task:  Full character generation
Difficulty: Moderate
Time required: 4 weeks
Prerequisites: Skill infrastructure
	Full character generation, no GM intervention needed.  Would keep track of 
points, would allow for skill packages, etc.  Could be very useful.

Task:  Automated Damage
Difficulty: Severe
Time Required: 2 weeks
Prerequisites: None
	Fully automate the ME damage system down to every detail.  Hydrostatic, 
concussive, etc. damage types accounted for.  If you have a PC or a laptop 
nearby when gaming, this one can make things go a hell of a lot faster--I 
speak from experience here.

... Those are just four ideas for places we can go with this.  Let me know 
which you'd like to see and which we can forego for now.  My goal here is 
not to replace the GM--just to provide a GM with some tools to make play 
quicker and more fun.

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           PS+ PE++ Y++ PGP++ t+ 5++ X-- R tv b+++ DI++ D--- G+ e++ h*
           r* y+*