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Another progress report.

This one should speak for itself.

We're getting very close to a final GUI.  Probably another 2-3 days of work 
on the UNIX version, and then I start work on porting it to Windows.

If anyone is planning on running ME at GenCon and wants to use a laptop to 
help keep track of damage, please tell me now.  If I work my fingers to 
the bone I should be able to get a Windows version working (maybe not 
well, but working) by Friday.  Otherwise, we're looking next week sometime 
for the first beta release.

Oh, and by the by... here's the snapshot of the latest version.

Yes, it works perfectly in UNIX.  :)

Geek Code: GAT d- s+:+ a27 C++(+++)$ ULB++>++++ P++ L+++>++++ E W+ N+ w
           PS+ PE++ Y++ PGP++ t+ 5++ X-- R tv b+++ DI++ D--- G+ e++ h*
           r* y+* 

Attachment: damagecalc.jpg
Description: JPEG image