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IMMEW. a suggestion for ME Code (comments?)

Here's something I've been chewing on for a few days, and comments are

"In My Millennium’s End World…"

The pursuit of the Millennium’s End Role Playing Game is somewhat of a
passionate thing for the players and referees, with different
interpretations and ‘house rules’ used most everywhere.

So, in the sprit of free information exchange, and to help take the mickey
out of Geek Code, I’ve devised this, the IMMEW Code.

Here’s an example:


Implementation is simple. Just follow the instructions below, then put the
resulting code in the signature strip of your e-mails, for all other players
and referees ‘in the know’, to know where you stand!

Rules set:

I primarily use the following edition:

1st Edition					R1
2nd Edition (v 2.0)				R2
2nd (Internet) edition (v 2.1)			R3


I think these rules rock				R
I think these rules are fine			+
The rules are OK				=
I think there’s problems with the rules		-
I hate the rules					H

Background material

The material is excellent				5
The material is fine				4
The material is OK				3
The material has holes in it			2
The material sucks the big one			1

Dateline of the material

The dateline needs a major update		a
The dateline could use some work
to bring it up to date				b
The dateline is fine as-is				c
The dateline is old and tired			d
The dateline sucks				e


I’ve got the lot!					S1
I’ve got the majority				S2
I’ve got some					S3
I’ve got a couple					S4
All I got it the rules				S5

Canon or not?

I go completely canon				CC
I use canon most of the time			C+
Everything before 2000AD is canon		C3
Everything after 1999AD is non-canon		C4
Nothing is canon				CN

House Rules:

I’ve replaced the core rules with
house rules					HC
I use a lot of house rules				H+
I’ve a couple of house rules			HR
I don’t use House Rules				H-

Character Generation

I’m hardcore – I do ‘em from scratch!		GS
I use templates from the rules			GT
I use MECS					GM
I use ChrGen					GG
I use other software				GO
I use a combination of the above			GC
I do something completely different!		G!

Combat Resolution

I do it by hand					CRH
I use a calculator				CRC
I cheat, and use a computer program!		CRP
I fudge it, and go with what looks best		CRF
I go with a combination of the above		CRA


I write all my own				AWM
I use stuff written by others			AWO
I wing it all the time (Freeform)			AWI
Depends if I’ve got time to prepare it		ATA
I use all the above				AUA

I've yet to devise 'where I come from' stuff, but I'm thinking that
International Telephone Direct Dialling Cdes could be used, for instance,
"I'm in the UK" could be represented by "+44", with the first part of the
postal/zip code being used as the suffix, for inastance +44:BR3, meaning
that I'm un the UK, in the Beckenham area.

I'm also thinking of careeer notes, for instance, "I'm serving regular
military" could be MR+, "I work in the computer business" could be CT, and
so on; I need to codify this a bit more, I think.

Any more ideas, modifications to the above, etcetera?

Best regards,

Roger Stenning,
the Impossible Scenarios Group
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