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Re: Odd-ball conversions and left field questions

Gareth Livergood wrote:
  Anyone converted a SMG to .357SIG?  Could easily be done on an MP5/40, just swap the barrel.  But, I don't know how much extra oomph the longer barrel with give that hot 9. 
something i have wondered about in the past.  Take something like a thompson smg and convert it over to 44 or 45 magnum.  probly not worth the trouble overall but would be interesting gunsmithing experiment.
 How about sabot rounds for untraceable wet work?  Assuming the sabot wasn't found. 
i had a char used to use a barret w slap rounds.  worked just fine out to 1200 m or so.
 How about the game stats for the Birdman Barrett M82B1k-PDW?  I'm thinking PAIN for everyone involved.  http://www.birdman.org/products/M82entryl.htm 
Dear god this is the dumbest thing i ever heard of.  What pd in its right mind is going to issue this sort of toy.  can you imagine the liability issues.  Well i shot the perp at the door then the bullet exited the building, punched through a car door 2 blocks away and killed Mrs. Kaufman on her way home from preschool.
 Gareth Livergood