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Re: RE: Re : New Life for Millennium's End

> You could make the divisor vary.  This would be similar to T2K's
> coolness under fire rating.  Everyone starts with a divisor of
> ten.  Surviving a life-or-death firefight gets you one point
> toward reducing this, as does each term of military or police
> training, although the latter likely would have a cap of some
> sort.

    Regarding the coolness under fire question.  GURPS has rules for various
situations, requireing a will test before firing.  A failed will test gets
a -4 (skills 3-18+) to-hit, on top of all of the other modifiers (range,
target position, speed, target size, etc.)  Using this, SF and other highly
trained troops tend to have a higher will score.
    I do agree that combat experience does have an effect on coolness under
fire.  SF and SWAT have more exposure to realistic live-fire training than
the patrol cop or infantryman.  This type of training might count half of
what a real firefight would count.

    On the body map disscussion.  The torso body map could use some changes.
In combat you are woried about instant incapacitation not eventual
leathality.  The way the torso map is drawn, it does not take into accound
the vital cluster dead center in the chest (heart, aorta, spine), it also
IMHO allows to much damage for the center abdomen areas (yes the liver is in
the right zone, but is a hit to the liver enough to drop someone imediatly?
bleed out in 10-30 seconds for a severe hit, yes)  I don't have battlefield
experiance as to what wounds do what to people, all I have is various
readings I have done and knowledge of anatomy.  If I am way off, let me

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