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RE: New Life for Millennium's End

> At 1000 meters the Mk211 Raufoss Special Purpose .50 caliber round has a
> flight time of 1.65911 seconds with a maximum trajectory drop of 132.2502
> inches.  the bullet will drift 5.87 inches to the right of line of sight
> barrel twist.  Hate to say it, but these are not a concern to

Err, no offense, Rob, but they're of great concern.  If I have to worry
about point of aim, accurate ranging and bullet drop when I'm out deer
hunting, I can't imagine that a military sniper working at several times the
ranges I hunt at would deem them to be not a concern.  They can be planned
for, yeah, and they can be adjusted for, and it's not a big deal.  But the
bullet drop and point of aim are certainly concerns.

(My God.  I'm arguing with Other Rob.  About /guns/.  I must be feeling
either very ambitious or damn full of myself.  *g*)