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Re: New Life for Millennium's End

Brian McDonald wrote:

> there is a lovely book out there about a private enterprise attempt to "fix" the
> saddam problem.  It's not a bad read but at the end of the book is a nice
> chapter on the physics behind shooting at 1 km plus ranges.  If i could remember
> the title i would post it but twas long ago and far away.  One of the factoids
> that did strike was that you have to start worrying about the rate of spin of
> the bullet as it will start to move that way.  Over a thousand meters its not an
> insignificant distance couple times the width of a head i think it was.  Also
> the temperature of the air can move the bullet significantly by changing the
> density of the air hence the resistance.  It was a british book if memory
> serves.  Anyone out there recognize it?

"Shadow Over Babylon," by David Mason, if I recall. Excellent book. It
has data in the back for the Accuracy International Super Magnum, firing
the .338 Lapua Magnum round, complete with ballistic tables from the
author's own private tests.

Well worth the read. Almost seems like an operation worthy of BE/BE.

-- tengu

It is said that whomsoever the gods wish to destroy, they first
make him mad. In fact, whomsoever the gods wish to destroy, they
first hand the equivalent of a stick with a fizzing fuse and 
Acme Dynamite Company written on the side. It's much more
interesting and it doesn't take as long.
	-- Terry Pratchett, "Soul Music"