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Re: New Life for Millennium's End

> Could you give an example or two of 'difficult to
> reload'
> weapons?  

Things with heavy or large and cumbersome magazines
such as larger drums for AM-180. Situationally as
well, reloading 30 round plus mags while prone is
'difficult to reload' in my book.

Oh, and pump action shotguns... Although I have very
limited experience with them, I'd say that 2-3 rounds
inserted per round isn't unfair. Anyone on the list
any good at reloading these things?

> What are your thoughts on the
> two-magazines-taped-together
> routine?

[I personally wouldn't do it in a field situation,
purely because of the problem of getting crap in the
magazine or bending the lip of it while rolling around
in the mud. Top-to-bottom would be dreadful for that.
A lot of manufacturers these days have clips where you
can clip magazines top-to-top, although you can also
tape magazines together like this so long as you tape
a spacer between them (a block of wood etc.. I used to
know someone who swore by that with an AK). I guess in
a cleaner enviroment it might be better *shrug*.]
 Game-wise it would mean that you didn't spend time
getting the mag out, reducing the reload time to as
little as one turn in the right conditions.

Also, you might have a mag prepared like that, but
when those two run out, you'd be back to pulling
standard magazines from your webbing.


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