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Re: What I think that should been done in m-end version 3.0

On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 07:11:36PM +0200, Gurth wrote:

>Although I don't play much at conventions (on average, I make it to two
>conventions a year, and only at one is there any organized gaming) this
>applies to new players in normal gaming groups as well. Whenever a new
>player joins our group, I try to explain that they won't need to read the
>rules at all to be able to play.

This is where a vaguely realistic system is a big help. Most players
already know that getting shot up with an SMG is a bad idea, so this
helps them to make good decisions for their PCs while they're still
finding their feet. It's a lot harder in non-generic fantasy, or SF,
to get across this sort of core knowledge.

Roger Burton West - roger@firedrake.org - gamer since 1984
12. A "sucking chest wound" is nature's way of telling you to slow down.