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RE: Was Genoa, is not Burning of Notre Dame

In a message dated 7/25/2001 11:03:23 AM Central Daylight Time,
nhyde@quris.com writes:

<<  ran a scenario inspired by the World Banc riots where the cell was hired
 by a group of multinationals to perform a truly horrific act of vandalism,
 which could be blamed on the protestors and cleaned up by corps.  Set in
 Paris, the cell set fire to the Cathedral of Notre Dam, left evidence
 damning the most radical protestors, and the renovation was sponsored by
 corps in question. >>

    THAT brought a tear to my eye.
        ANy chance you have a copy and would post it to the site?  Love to
get my hands on it


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Not sure if this is the place for it, but I think it won't be a waste of
anyone's time.  I've had several people ask for it, so I'll just cut and
paste in the email I've sent to a few folks.


Sorry, I don't have that one, thanks to a tragic housecleaning accident.
However I can give you the basic rundown:

A pair of greasy marketing types contract w/ the cell to kidnap a pair of
radical leaders during a WTC meeting in Paris. The primary protest site is
outside the Cathedral of Notre Dame and the cell must kinap the leaders,
obtain their firearms hidden in a van, clandestinely enter the Cathedral
disguised as the radicals, and climb one of the towers.  There, the cell
will open fire with the radical's firearms, hoping to create "photogenic"
damage for the news crews.  The cell then sets the tower on fire with
phosphorus grenades. To escape, the cell rappels to the primary roof, runs
to the other side of the cathedral and then rappels to the Seine where a
boat waits to take them away.  Note that they leave behind one of the
weapons and all the expended rounds (with the radical's fingerprints). Its
important that the players incapacitate, but not kill, the radicals.

To make it rough for the players, I had them unfurl a large anarchy banner
at the tower, a couple of less-than-entirely Christian monks running
cathedral security, and an attack dog hidden in the van.

This was actually an En Media Res introduction to a larger, more complex
adventure but my players enjoyed it so much I made it the night's primary
fun.  One player, a devout Catholic and a computer wonk, enjoyed the game
but groused for the rest of the night that he felt like he had to go to
confessional for BURNING A HOUSE OF GOD. To add insult to injury, the
cleanup was sponsored by Microsoft, turning the world-famous holy site into
a cheap marketing ploy.

You can find blueprints for Notre Dame at: