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RE: Life changes

I know what it's like to be out there. I've effectively been out of work for
the past 14 months, apart from a six-week stint at a permanent job, only to
be laid off due to lack of work. (And yes, I too am in the technology
field... PC Support.)

So what am I doing about it? Partly working on gaming stuff (not too much in
the ME field though, as neither of my groups play the game), partly working
on finding a new job (not that easy during the summer when pickings are
slim)... but now I'm planning on enrolling in a certification course to
actually get certified in PC repair and networking. A bonus is that the
school also has a career placement service to help its graduates find a job.

I'd consider grad school, but it's rather expensive, and I've been away from
anything dealing with my degree for six years now...

-- adam

It is said that whomsoever the gods wish to destroy, they first
make him mad. In fact, whomsoever the gods wish to destroy, they
first hand the equivalent of a stick with a fizzing fuse and
Acme Dynamite Company written on the side. It's much more
interesting and it doesn't take as long.
	-- Terry Pratchett, "Soul Music"

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Pawlowski [mailto:blackeagleblackeagle@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, 23 August, 2001 21.22
To: ME-List
Subject: Life changes


I got laid-off from AOL today.  Yes, AOL sucks, but I
had this silly idea that I could make a difference in
the industry.  I was wrong.  Powerful people that are
really stuck with one idea and one way of fulfilling
that idea don't like it when people come in and expect
to change things.  Silly me.

So, for now, I have a bunch of time on my hands.  I
have the Gun Digest Assault Weapons books in 4th and
5th editions I suppose I should do a book review on :)

I also have a bunch of time to do some editting, if
those people still need/want me to do it *hint*hint*.

If anyone needs an overpaid Technology consultant,
please let me know ;-)

Jeff Pawlowski
Millennium's End: Officially Unofficial

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