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Re: Terrorist attacks in the USA

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> Why in your educated opinion would our nation's attackers have done this,
> also are you a military vet, sir??

Why?  For all I know, they heard that Dubya brushed his teeth with Colgate, 
and the Crest toothpaste company decided to teach Dubya the penalty for 
leaving the faith.

At this point, any speculation on `why' is rumormongering and scaremongering. 
 Ask me again in a few days, after the tumult has died down, and I'll be 
happy to share my thoughts.



I know I'm not the list moderator.  That duty passed to Roger Burton West 
some time ago, thankfully.  So what I'm saying here, I'm saying just as a 
list member, not as moderator.

That being said:

It is very important that we not panic.  A lot of Americans are panicking 
right now: they may be your friends, your loved ones, your neighbors.  They 
may ask you for who you think did it.  They may ask you why.  They may ask 
you what we should do in response.

Please remember that, as of this moment, we are still under attack and there 
are still people dying.  Instead of contributing to the panic, please keep a 
level head.  Remind those around you that we have very few facts right now, 
and that there will be plenty of time to ask `why', `who' and `how' tomorrow. 
 Direct your friends towards doing something useful, something which will 
directly help out those who are in need.

Please tell your friends to donate blood.

The Red Cross is reporting a critical shortage in blood; the tens of 
thousands of wounded and injured are likely going to exhaust our supply in 
the days to come.

Get to your local hospital and donate a pint.  It's easy, it only takes 
fifteen minutes, you get free cookies and drinks afterwards, and you'll be 
doing something to save the life of a fellow American, one whom you don't 
even know, but one who needs your help.


- -- 
Robert J. Hansen <rjhansen@inav.net>
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