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Re: Friday's warning

    The FAA prohibitions on passengers carrying knifes are; nothing with a blade over 4"(10cm) and not 'menacing' (FAA's word).  Box knives would scarcely raise an eyebrow at most airports.  And there are literally hundreds of knives with blades <4" that would make dandy weapons for this (Benchmade, Spyderco, Emerson, not to mention the knock-offs), these can be bought by anyone almost anywhere in the US.  I am sure most of those on the list at least own a knife like this if not carry if possible.  I do (Benchmade mini-AFCK), and have only had one airport refuse me passage (Raleigh-Durham, they said it was 'menacing'), the rest usually say "cool knife....how do you close it?" (liner lock).  I do not attempt to carry it overseas.
    I travel for a living (>100,000 miles domestically last year) and have seen first hand how lax security can be at US airports ( I have been to all three originating airports numerous times, the tightest would be Dulles).  The personnel at the checkpoints are generally high school educated (if your lucky), 8 hours of training and are paid minimum wage.   Unlike several European and Asian airports where security is taken VERY seriously by VERY serious people (most whom are commissioned law enforcement or the equivalent).  I am sure this will change. 
Gareth Livergood
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, 11 September, 2001 9:36 PM
Subject: Re: Friday's warning

In a message dated 9/11/01 8:48:11 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
spezbaby@yahoo.com writes:

US State department released a world wide warning last
Friday. They KNEW something was probably going to

      There is a BIG difference between knowing/possibly knowing something
is going to happen and knowing THIS would happen.  Without specifics, ie,
cracking into the cell responisible and getting the plan, there was NO way to
stop this.
      The thing that concerns me is that they hijacked these planes with
"small knives and boxcutters."
      No bombs, no machine guns......small knives..........
