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RE: World Trade Center & DC?

Hi From Boston, 

On Wed, 12 Sep 2001, Adam Johnson wrote:
> A rental car was found in the parking garage at Logan International, Boston.
> Inside were:
> - A copy of the Koran
> - Flight manuals in Arabic
> - A video on piloting airliners

Here's a URL:


In short, the FBI seems to claim that one of the terrorist's bags ws sent
from Portland, ME to Logan.  The bag never made the transfer to the doomed
plane.  Within it, the FBI found the Koran, Instructional Video on flying
commercial airliners, and a fuel consumption calculator.

Within the suspeted automobile, the FBI claimed to find Arabic-language
flight training manuals.

The hypothesis is that the terrorists entered the US from Canada.  If this
is true, and they came from Portland, then they probably crossed the
border in Maine as well.  That's pretty sad, because I've actually worked
Border Patrol duty in Maine, and knew at one time the men who worked

And it makes me sound like some conspiracy-theory asshole, but finding
this missing luggage and suspected car with incriminating evidence just
lying around seems pretty convenient.  I mean, the terrorists probably
didn't care about leaving evidence pointing to them personally (although
getting caught before might have been really bad), but it does seem to lay
down an awfully thick path right to an Arabic doorstep, an almost classic
case of misdirection.

Of course, a healthy diet of G.I. Joe Special Missions comics, ME, and Tom
Clancy novels can do this to a person, eh?  The terrorists probably
figured, "Who cares, by the time this stuff gets found, I'll be someplace
safe from any persecution that human being can inflict."


Jacob E. Boucher
PAGE OF THE DAY: If You Run, You'll Only Die Tired... 