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Re: Terrorist Groups/Civil Liberties.

> And all the while I was walking aorund the park, I kept thinking of ways
> get around the pack-search at the entrance.  Came up with quite a few,
> Including the one I had already inadvertantly used.  I forgot about that
> small pocket knife in the zipper compartment in the lining .....

Oh, hell, you could get a nuclear bomb into Busch Gardens without breathing
hard.  I haven't been to Busch Gardens in years, but as I recall, there are
a hell of a lot of vendors there.  Vendors have ID badges which can be
stolen.  Vendors have to take shipments, which typically arrive in big panel
trucks, most of which have some kind of windshield sticker to verify that
they're on the up-and-up.

So a bunch of terrorists get one of their workers into Busch Gardens as a
truck driver.  He works there for several months, learning the ropes,
learning the daily operations.  The other terrorists would probably get jobs
in other parts of Busch Gardens, too.  Then, on the day when they have a big
Come-to-Jesus powwow (less offensive in today's climate than an
In-Allah's-Name session), they load the truck up with whatever the hell they
want.  The park workers get through security, meet the truck when it comes
in, pick up their weapons, and presto.