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Re: GM/Adventure concept...

Dear Mr. Kemppi,

Firstly, this is not a flame to your flame. It is a rebuff, and should be read carefully, and with due regard to the
Laws regarding slander, as you have, indeed, slandered me.

> Not at all. It was childish attempt to make a bad humour that
> kills an idea to get creative minds in this mailing list to
> work on something that would provide concepts and ideas for
> all. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Far from feeling ashamed, I find your tone and content to my intended help personally insulting, and slanderous in the

Your request was, frankly, vague. In planning intrusion defences, one must, in all cases, think in the mind of the
intruder, and plan defences accordingly. To that extent, I replied a series of possibilities, that I, with my Military
and Intelligence head on, would think of breaching. You could, had you thought of it, then incorporate defences that
would adequately provide against such intrusion attempts. Obviously, you did not.

Oh, and injecting humour helps this list keep it's collective 'this is a game' head. Let us never forget that.

Finally, I require, not request, a public apology from you. Further requests from you, until such has been seen by both
the membership of this list, and myself, will be ignored.

By the way, you *might* like to know my qualifications, when composing your apology. I list some of them below, for your
education. You will see that I do, indeed, know my shit.

Formerly 24910712 Corporal Stenning, R., Royal Military Police.
    (Seven and a half years service)
Formerly F408461 Stenning, R, DI(IS)
    (Defence Intelligence Staff, MoD UK)
    (Ten years service)


Roger Stenning
Organiser, The Impossible Scenarios Group
ICQ: 74721632
UK Amateur Radio call sign: G1LIW
(PGP public key available on request)
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