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RE: Airbus A400M

--- Neal Hyde <nhyde@quris.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure if there is a prototype, but the
> Germans may scuttle the deal.

I meant no disrespect to the Europeans.  After reading
my post, it sounded condescending.  I'm just in a
state of disbelief.

The US military sends out a request, and two or more
companies/conglomerates draft plans and then develope
the product according to the requested
performance/capacity/etc. specifications.

After they are developed, we build a few prototypes of
each plan, and then have full trials where the two 
plans are compared.  We will then make a decision on
one of the plans, IF they meet or beat the

In this case, the Europeans are placing orders on ONE
single idea, when the idea hasn't even been
built/tested, etc.

This just amazes me.

Jeff Pawlowski
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