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Re: US SOCOM desires...

>Easily transmittable energy is soon to be, Microwave transmitters and
>receivers can now be used instead of power lines, we just have a few kinks to
>work out (like the cooking of most bio-matter between the two stations).
Tesla demonstrated on a small scale that broadcast power was possible 
back before the turn of the century.  Brutally inefficient way to 
deliver power of course and there would be the problem of the wiring in 
your house melting with all the little problems that brings.  And 
mustn't forget the chap who had the brilliant idea of putting microwave 
emitters in the light fixtures of your house.  Allowing him to just heat 
you not the house.

Just think about the world your grandad was born into and the changes 
that he has lived to see.  Think about the ever increasing rate of 
change and that the fact that its becoming impossible to graph the rate 
of growth of human knowledge.  Now try and guess what kind of world your 
grandsom will live in.

Just as a for instance you can look for considerable inmprovements in 
body armour which could radically affect wpns requirements.
new scopes for assault rifles which can pick out men in cammo gear based 
on the colors of their gear not being perfectly matched to their 
or say that someone does come up with that holy grail of modern science 
the room temp superconductor.  Can you say Rail Guns for your infantry. 
 real powered armour would become possible.  truly radical things happen 
to military tech virtually overnight.