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Re: Kick starting Millenniumsend.com

> Some people are rather squemish if I use the words
> drugs use and sex. I suppose I am just getting
> frustrated with sme people on another list who believe
> that such things should nto be roleeplayed or even
> discussed. Oh well.

As a token American, I can't get excited over it.  Anyone who does, well,
shouldn't watch the evening news, read the morning paper or live outside
their own private bubble.  If it's an issue, put a disclaimer at the top of
the first page stating something like "The following
article/assignment/whatever is intended for mature audiences and may contain
references to illegal drug use, sex or violence."

If you wanted, you could give it something equivalent to a movie rating (G
(Millenniums End?), PG, PG-13, R, X, XXX, whatever).   If it's triple X, we
might have issues.

I ran into a similar issue with an assignment based on Nick Cage's movie
"8-mm".  If you've seen the movie, it's hard to run without getting into
adult topics.
