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RE: European Military Not Up To Par?

> Ok, I have to ask this question, just how MANY times
> have you had that
> happen?

Probably just as many times that I've heard braggarts
saying that they could nuke England et cetera.

> I honestly cannot _imagine_ anyone saying they could
> just nuke NZ.

It's not about that... just big boots. To be brutally
honest, it's precisely this attitude that makes US
citizens disliked to a vast majority of the world
population. Sad, but true.

> Statically speaking, while I don't have the numbers
> to back me up, just my
> own informal observations, at least 40% of us over 
> here couldn't pinpoint
> NZ on a map, let alone figure out how to target it
> ;)

That many? =P
Was it about 10% knew where the Persian Gulf was?


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