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System with no name

In the meantime, I've decided to call it the "Steam Engine".

As I've told people in my private messages, this is something I've been working
on for the past decade.  This was before I had a job and a computer.  Most of
the notes are hand written and some of the notes I put in the margins of the
ruled paper make no sense any more.

To clean up the system (and though people didn't want to create a system in
committee), I've created a Yahoo Group at

I'll be doing the writing or editting (or get a writer/editor friend to do it)
and get it all wrapped up in a professional looking package.

The system has been tweaked to be realistic and still wrap up psionics (I 
am/was into Parapsychology when I made this system) but there are three
versions for simple, medium, hard, and ultra-detailed.  That all needs to be
worked out.

Everyone is welcome to join.  I will approve anyone from the list.

Jeff Pawlowski

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