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Hey, 2 post per day! - am I quiting the lurker's corner ?  ;)

As charracter creation is strongly based on the US schooling system, I
wonder if at least a ML member is interested to build a:
 "Graduation/Age" table for the different country represented in this ML.

As a starting point, below the FRENCH degree:

Age    School/Degree
2-6        Pre-Elementary
               mainly a kindergarden.

6-11       Elementary School
               read/write at 7.
12-15      Secondary school
               College - BEPC
               You can enter in the professional world as an "Aprentice"
               for 2 years of underpaid working.

16-18      Secondary school
               Lycée - Baccalaureat wit a specialisation, roughly:

19-22      High School
           1st Rank
           Faculté (Litteracy/Ecconomy/Scientific) - DEUG
           IUT (Technical) - DUT/BTS
           Preparation to Engineers School or "Exelence" School

23-24      2nd Rank
           Faculté (Litteracy/Ecconomy/Scientific) - License/Maitrise
           Technical - end of cursus but can apply for Engineer school
           Engineers school - Enginner
           "Exelence" School- Preparation to Political/Military
            administrative career. considered as an "elite".

25-28      3rd Rank
           Faculté (Litteracy/Ecconomy/Scientific) - DEA/DESS/Doctorat
           Engineers school - Master Enginner (research)

Military Service:
Nomore mandatory
You can sign your engagement from 16 for 2 years contracts renewables.

Sorry for the acromyms, but I don't think the translation worth it, if you
realy want them, contact me off-list.

I hope we will mamage to build something usefullŠ
