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Re: Stun Factor : allo all could I get some feedback on this?

> realistic.  It is the chart I don't like.  Damage resolution in ME isn't
> lightning fast to begin with - adding a second chart isn't going to help

More accurately, it's freakin' horrible.  At one point I had a set of 
Python scripts to facilitate damage--you enter the current trauma level of 
the area injured (0-25), enter the damage done and the type ("hydrostatic 
20", for instance), and it would spit out all the necessary facts about 
the new trauma level.  Worked really well, since I always had a laptop 
nearby when gaming--sped combat up _immensely_, sometimes by 15 minutes 
per round of combat.  Gave the program to my players at one session so 
that they could test it out for themselves and make sure it was accurate, 
and at the next session we used it.

I no longer have it, but I don't think it'd be too terribly hard to 
recreate it.  My biggest problem is my ME books have gone AWOL on me, and 
I can't buy a PDF from Hero Games anymore.

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           r* y+*