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Progress update.

The back-end for the damage calculator is done.  The code is one of the 
nastiest kludges I've ever written in my life, but it works.  More than 
that, it even implements _all_ of the damage rules in Millennium's End, 
save for one rule which I have never liked at all--and since I'm the guy 
writing the code, too bad, it's not going in.  

If you really decide you can't live without knowing precisely when a limb 
gets severed from gunfire, you're free to change the code.  :)

My testing dummy is named Charles, by the way.  Yes, Charles Ryan.  It's 
not meant as a slam against him, and I hope the real Charles has a good 
enough sense of humor to laugh a bit at it.  :)

Anyway.  This is output directly from the damage calculator.

(It may help if you view this message in a proportional, fixed-width font.  
It's much more appealing to the eye that way.)


Shooting Charles in the head with 9mm FMJ...
                       Trauma level = 25
        Impairment to mental skills = 0
             to all physical skills = 0
                   to his right arm = 0
                    to his left arm = 0
                   to his right leg = 0
                    to his left leg = 0
                 stun roll modifier = 0
                    Is he in shock?   no
                  Is a bone broken?   no
           Is he bleeding to death?   no
                Is he an ex-parrot?   'e's shuffled off the twig!

Healing Charles... he feels much better now.

Shooting Charles in the right torso with 9mm FMJ...
                       Trauma level = 24
        Impairment to mental skills = 0
             to all physical skills = 49
                   to his right arm = 49
                    to his left arm = 49
                   to his right leg = 49
                    to his left leg = 49
                 stun roll modifier = 15
                    Is he in shock?   yes
                  Is a bone broken?   yes
           Is he bleeding to death?   yes
                         bleed rate = 1
                Is he an ex-parrot?   See?  'E just moved!

Healing Charles... he feels much better now.

Shooting Charles in the right thigh with .380 FMJ...
                       Trauma level = 13
        Impairment to mental skills = 0
             to all physical skills = 0
                   to his right arm = 0
                    to his left arm = 0
                   to his right leg = 31
                    to his left leg = 31
                 stun roll modifier = 65
                    Is he in shock?   no
                  Is a bone broken?   yes
           Is he bleeding to death?   yes
                         bleed rate = 18
                Is he an ex-parrot?   See?  'E just moved!


Please, guys, sanity-check this output.  If there are bugs in how I'm 
evaluating damage, I want to find out about it now as opposed to later.

I'm hoping that we can have the damage calculator completely done and in 
ship-shape form by the time GCUK rolls around.  With any luck, the guys 
who are running ME @ GCUK will find it useful.


Warning: Geek Programmer Stuff follows.  

The API:

... The API itself is pretty clean, although the code behind it is worthy 
of Microsoft.  Creating a new character object is as simple as:

// BEOp = BlackEagle Operative
BEOp CharlesRyan; 

Setting attributes is straightforward:

// Set Charles' Strength attribute to 45
CharlesRyan.setAttr(BEOp::STR, 45);

Hurting people is just as easy:

// Charles is standing too close to a flashbang when it goes off.
CharlesRyan.hurt(Wounds::HEAD, 12, Wounds::CONCUSSION);

// Or he catches a knife in the ribs.
CharlesRyan.hurt(Wounds::RT_VITALS, 7, Wounds::PUNCTURE);

// Since players get shot so much, if you omit the final parameter,
// it assumes they're getting shot.  In this case, by a DD 18 9mm Para.
CharlesRyan.hurt(Wounds::RT_LOWERARM, 18);

// You can fetch an object that stores all of Charles' wound information
Wounds this_hurts = CharlesRyan.status();

// And you can use it to get very specific damage information.
// Is Charles in shock?
// Is he bleeding to death?
// Did that 9mm break his arm?
// How hard is it for him to think clearly?
// How hard is it for him to do general physical actions?
// How badly impaired is his arm?

// Now cap him with a .40 S&W.
CharlesRyan.hurt(Wounds::HEAD, 18);

// Is Charles dead?

// Not for long.


I'm going to be out of town this upcoming weekend.  Will try to get some 
work done on it when I can, but no guarantees.

Total size of the executable, by the way... 37k.

Nabad for a day or so's frenzied work, eh?  :)

Geek Code: GAT d- s+:+ a27 C++(+++)$ ULB++>++++ P++ L+++>++++ E W+ N+ w
           PS+ PE++ Y++ PGP++ t+ 5++ X-- R tv b+++ DI++ D--- G+ e++ h*
           r* y+*