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Bug in the rules...

Just found an interesting bug in the ME rules, guys.

ME doesn't keep track of what wound did what sort of damage; it only keeps 
track of what kind of damage the most recent wound in an area was.  There 
are some rules for how to combine injuries--which are properly implemented 
in the program--but take a look at the following.

Assume someone gets hit in the head with a TL 2 air rifle.  This gives a 
net TL of 3.  By the rules, he gets a stun roll at +50 (TL 3, +2 for hyd 
shock) and a blood loss of 60.

Now assume the guy, still wounded, gets too close to a TL 4 flashbang.  TL 
4, * 1.6 (region mul), + 3 (pre-existing TL) = TL 9.  According to the 
"Multiple Wounds" rules on pg 110 of the main rulebook, we handle all 
wound effects as if it's a TL 9 flashbang.  This means we read the Stun 
value from column 19 (-35), and blood loss from column -6... which means 
there's no blood loss at all.

In other words, you can be shot in the head by an air rifle and begin 
bleeding to death.  First aid involves detonating a flashbang by your ear, 
which somehow magically stops the bleeding at the cost of putting you out 
of the action for three rounds.

Admittedly, it's a contrived situation.  But I found it funny.  :)

Geek Code: GAT d- s+:+ a27 C++(+++)$ ULB++>++++ P++ L+++>++++ E W+ N+ w
           PS+ PE++ Y++ PGP++ t+ 5++ X-- R tv b+++ DI++ D--- G+ e++ h*
           r* y+*