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Re: Millennium's End Website starting up

Hi All,

Roger Stenning wrote:
>Please specify whos sites, and how they came to hand them to you - it seems
>a little too pat to me. Did you approach them, or did they approach you?

I, at least, handed control of my site (http://www.netacc.net/~baker/ME/me.htm) to him.  As for how it happened, Jeff emailed me about his new site starting up a couple of times, so I figured I'd let him take care of it.  Enough people have found my stuff useful for me to feel bad about it being lost in my ISP change.  I've pretty much only back on the list to find out how to get my entry in the webring cleared up.  Any news on a new webring admin?  I'm not sure what I missed between the end of the perspex archive and my subscription here.


(formerly d_b_i@hotmail.com)