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Re: Wild West

>1) How much work do you want to do?
>As little as necessary :-)
>But I there will be a some work, because the setting for the game is a
>cross between The Wild West genre and Call, with elements from Rift.

I will probably get flamed for this response, but...  GURPS
GURPS just released the newest ed. of thier Wild West suppliment.  All you
need to start is the Basic book and the world book you want to play.  It
would prove to be less work than adding supernatural rules to ME.

>2) What sort of feel do you want?
>I want a "Normal" setting, were not every one have a gun and Law is not
>the best gunslingers in the world, with some supernatural.

GURPS, being generic, can accomidate any genre from historical to Wild Wild
West/Space 1889, etc.  It excells at historical and near normal settings.

>3) How realistic do you want the game to be?  (True to history or true
>to "For a few dollars more")
>I want combat to be deadly. Where the lucky or the smart survive:-)

Depending on the point level of the characters combat can be deadly.  There
are also ways to make it more or less so with optional rules.  GURPS combat
is not as realistic as ME, it still uses a hit point system.  However, the
hit location system is quite good for the type of system.

>If you're looking for KISS ("Keep It Simple Stupid"), it's probably
>to go to a different game more suited to the Wild West genre (I'd
>suggest Deadlands, which has a sort of campy feel to it).

GURPS can be as complex or as simple as you make it.  It also has over 100
world books to accomidate any setting you can think of.

>Yes Deadlands has a good feel to it, but no way simple.  And I don't
>really like system were you have to use different dice (D6, D8, D10..)

GURPS uses only d6s, 3d6 for task resolution and Xd6 for damage.  You can
easily incorperate setting info from other sources.

One problem is that GURPS uses US standard measurmet; yards, pounds, etc.
this could be annoying for non-US players.

If you have any questions about the GURPS system, email me off-list.

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