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Re: Crippled US EP-3

anitraf@juno.com writes
>a) the plane was over international waters, as the US contends (or at
>least over international waters as is recognized by the rest of the
>world, not one of these phony '... our waters extend as far out as we say
>they do, which is however far is convenient for us today ...' boundaries
>that some countries seem to cook up as they please);
The truth is unlikely to emerge for a long time. And in the meanwhile
some people will believe one thing, others another.

Spy planes don't have a great track record for adhering to international
boundaries. Albeit this EP-3 (the US has come a long way since the days
of Gary Powers, and the EP-3 is a rather different type of aircraft) was
probably in international airspace - one news broadcaster I heard said
it was carrying a transponder identifying it as a civil flight. If that
is true, then it would certainly have been in international airspace,
but it raises a rather awkward second question.

>b) the plane that collided with the US plane was ordered to do so; and 
This has a lot less credence to my mind. Why didn't the American crew
ditch in the sea has already been commented on: I'm sure Chinese pilots
also like the idea of returning home to their families.

>c) this whole thing is an incident manufactured by the Chinese to 'test'
>the new American President.
I don't think so personally, though I certainly believe they're taking
advantage of the situation to test Bush. Question is, does he have the
cojones? and if so, is he planning on doing something stupid like an
oriental 'Desert One'?

Mark Baker
and visit http://www.the-isg.co.uk/ for the ME London Sourcebook