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Re: New Life for Millennium's End

>..... And the Vampire (I
> shouldn't really refer to
> them using the "V" word) hook could be just the
> boost that the game
> needs to become more mainstream (in the same vein
> that Wild West is
> boring as per Boot Hill, but add Zombies a la
> Deadlands and it's a
> bestseller).

Or indeed a full-on con-X type background, though it's
dangerously close to Con-X, ME has a WAAAAY better
rules system.

> Equipment books such as UMF could use some revision
> to include newer
> weapons, and perhaps even more specialist weapons
> (tasers, guns designed
> for use underwater, etc).

A sure-fire seller would be a 'UMF-II'. I'm sure we'd
all rush out and buy it, and there are certainly
enough guns and gear out there to fill another book. a
10-page essay on how firearms are actually
operationally used and handled would be a great
resource for 90% of gamers ('It takes a turn to cock?
Wassat mean?'). Bung in new weapon handling rules
too... off hand firing, reload times etc.

I don't think many ME players would neglect such a
book, and you've even got the possibility of selling
to non-ME players.

Also, the ME GM guide is a great book for non-ME
players. A GM guide II might not be a bad idea,


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