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Re: New Life for Millennium's End

----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Burton West <roger@firedrake.org>

> Beware of unfairness. In the GDW house system, NPCs didn't have
> locational damage, just a single hit point pool - which made things
> faster, but also meant that PCs were about twice as tough as supposedly
> equivalent NPCs.

Erm...yes they did have locational damage...in Twilight 2000 2.2, Dark
Conspiracy and Traveller New Era you definitely do have hit locations with
little boxes, on which you write the number of points each location has. I
agree they were too tough, but this was later modified in DC specifically to
make the PC easier to hurt or kill ;-)
Personally, I took advice from Roj of Waylands Forge and halved the number
of PC hits in TNE when I started using that. This was in the days when he
worked at the other place of course...

Lee Williams (ICQ 25628876)

Associate Editor - DEMONGROUND: Reflections of a Darker Future