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Re: [OT] flash n stuff

Arclight -

> >People who write HTML specifically for specific OSes and browsers are
> >missing the point.  Content and presentation are separate.
> Well, as long as most browser interpret HTML different, there's no real

Possibly; I, however, beg to differ. The entire point of HTML - i.e. web
pagees - was to transmit complex information in text form, without too much
trouble. It's only since commercial interests got hold of it, that we've
seen the bells and whistles of server-side and client-side 3rd party
add-ons, or plug-ins, appear. Now, while I understand, and can even
appreciate, tidy and fast presentations, it doesn't mean that I want to
watch them. I want to get to the 'meat' of a site in the fastest possible
time, without downloading the latest ego-trip of a 'web director' (no
offence, anyone!).

> You can do that, but don't "bother" me with "I can't fully use your site".

So design the damn thing to standards, and VALIDATE it. It ain't that hard,
is it?

> Seems to me he thought about who will access his site, and did his best to
> make it enjoy them. I once did a website for my counter-strike clan, and
> most young kiddies out there have rather fast computers, chose 1024x768.
> wasn't standard back then, but fully reflected the capabilities of my
> "target group".

Maybe, but it also renders (sic) him liable to prosecution under the new
disability access laws of the USA - which, I might add, they will feel free
to export to our own shores, and yours, as they do with the rest of their
laws. Ugh.

> When you start to "suggest", IMHO it will look crappy on every browser. So
> I make it look good on the majority, and skip the rest. Isn't perfect, but
> works for me.

Agreed; by disabling style sheets on my sit(s), you do get some missing
elements; however, you can STILL see the content, which is the whole point
of degradable markup.

> >What Roger is talking about here shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.  So
> >he uses an older Pentium system on a 28.8K connection--so what?  With a
> >properly-designed site, that shouldn't matter a damn.  He should be able
> >to turn off inlined images in his Web browser to speed up page
> >downloads, turn off Javascript, and still be able to access the
> >important content.
> Sure, no problem with me. But he shouldn't complain about it that the site
> looks bad.

I wasn't aware that I had?

My complaint was in the proposed use of Flash within Ben's site. Not yours.
But the argument stands.

Best regards,

Roger Stenning
Organiser, The Millennium's End Future History Continuation Project.
Webmaster, The Impossible Scenarios Group
ICQ: 74721632
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