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Re: Thoughts on options

Steve Peterson of Hero Games wrote...

> Sounds like there would be some desire for some options in combat,
> particularly to speed up things like autofire resolution. I've
always seen
> combat options as a good thing; if you want a slower, more detailed
> resolution, you can use it, or ignore it and use a quick'n'dirty
method to
> keep things moving. These decisions can be made on the fly, too, to
meet the
> needs of a particular scene.

heh. I have, on occasion, been known to 'fudge' things a little, in
orderr to keep the game going strong...

"OK, you dropped the 203 HE round into the fuel store. Right...
(thumbs through the rules book aimlesly, stopping at a nice tense
moment, for effect) ... right. Naturally, it... (rolls dice, looking
at, but completely ignoring the result) goes off. Quelle surprise. The
follow up to this is an instant flash-boom, flames, smoke, flash-over,
and, well... (rolls more mutiple rolls of many, many, many dice)
...stuff it. It goes up like a Guy Fawkes bonfire on steroids. Anyone
within, ohfuckit (exceedingly evil grin), five hundred metres can
figure on being extra crispy, ok?"

"Heh. Mr Kipling may make exceedingly good cakes, but I can toast 'em
better then he can, ok?!"

There - you now know the secret to my knowledge of combat rules. If it
sounds good, go with it, lol!

> In the realm of options, I'm thinking of creating Fuzion, Hero
System, and
> D20 appendices to add to ME books. This wouldn't change anything
> already there; just be an additional resource that lets users of
other game
> systems get more use from the ME books. These could be separate
files that
> you could download to go along with an ME book. Thoughts?

Not a bad idea; keeps the theme, while giving a whole range of
options, for purists (who - me?!) and optionalists (who, you?!) alike.

Now, how about the questions on character generation, Steve?

Best regards,

Roger Stenning
Webmaster, The Impossible Scenarios Group
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