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Re: New Life for Millennium's End

In a message dated 4/10/2001 10:40:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
rjhansen@inav.net writes:

> > At 1000 meters the Mk211 Raufoss Special Purpose .50 caliber round has a
>  > flight time of 1.65911 seconds with a maximum trajectory drop of 132.2502
>  > inches.  the bullet will drift 5.87 inches to the right of line of sight
>  > barrel twist.  Hate to say it, but these are not a concern to
>  Err, no offense, Rob, but they're of great concern.  If I have to worry
>  about point of aim, accurate ranging and bullet drop when I'm out deer
>  hunting, I can't imagine that a military sniper working at several times 
>  ranges I hunt at would deem them to be not a concern.  They can be planned
>  for, yeah, and they can be adjusted for, and it's not a big deal.  But the
>  bullet drop and point of aim are certainly concerns.
Range the target.  Check the distance against the cheat sheet taped to the 
stock of the rifle and make the necessary adjustments for elevation and 
drift, use the appropriate aiming point on the reticle and the bullet will 
strike nearing point of aim.  No guestimating eleven feat over the targets 
head or anything along those lines.  Wind is the big X-Factor because you can 
messure and adjust for the wind at firing point, but 1000 meters away it can 
be a different direction and speed.  Temperature, pressure and angle can be 
messured and the caluclations factored to correct the reticle adjustments.  
After a few hundred hours of practice it comes pretty easily.
