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Re: Erosion of Civil Liberties.

In a message dated 22/09/01 13:18:12 GMT Daylight Time, e_r_benson@hotmail.com writes:

I think this discussion has the potential to go far outside the scope of
ME-L.  Roger Burton West - perhaps this one aught to be nipped in the bud

I disagree. If you co-opt the real world into ME then the subject of tightened security and civil liberties is a valid one.

After all it is not inconceivable that a company like BE could be duped into supplying expertise to groups related to terrorist organisations and its employees fall under suspicion.

How are governments going to react to companies like BE - are they going to require detailed information about missions and clients in advance of any contract being signed?

How is character behaviour going to change if they know they will stopped and searched going into any public building?

Will governments want companies like BE to bolster overstretched security forces? How many players would balk at a mission to gather data on fellow citizens, even if there was no real evidence that they were involved in anything sinister?

Picture a mission to infiltrate a group of dubious characters who operate in small independent cells and regularly use sophisticted paper simulations to run through potential terrorist scenarios. These groups spend a lot of time gathering intelligence about military, political and security operations and have a well established network of communication via face to face meeting and the internet. The government  thinks they could be a threat but is unwilling to crack down just yet (although these groups are known to involve themselves in satanism and to be linked to youth suicide) and, having previously been embarrased in raiding a front company these enemies of the free world had set up, they would like nice solid evidence before acting.

Perhaps BE could provide that evidence? The ever helpful client will even provide samples of the sort of thing they'd like the cell to find.


"You can regale your companion if you wish with the story of the time you killed the Mexican with a short arm chin jab followed by a hand-edge chop to the Adam's apple, but this might distress her. Better stick to saying modestly at the right moment, 'I only know five ways of killing a man with a single blow."