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Re: John Walker: What Charges, who'll try him.

On Tue, Dec 04, 2001 at 11:23:55AM +0100, Gurth wrote:

>I'm not the listmaster, but _please_ keep these kinds of comments off the 
>list. They are bound to get out of hand (I'm restraining myself from making a 
>few counterpoints here... (And in case that's taken a wrong way, I couldn't 
>care less about who fights for or against the Taliban)).

I am the listmaster, and I'll just say what I usually do: anything is
on-topic for this list _insofar as it relates to ME, the game_. If this
event is likely to have a profound effect on geopolitics (-> scenario
generation), that's fine. If it's just more media control like most of
what's been on TV and in newspapers recently, let's not talk about it

Fallacy of the day: A and B are opposed. A is bad. Therefore B is good.


Roger Burton West - roger@firedrake.org - gamer since 1984
7. Professionals are predictable, it's the amateurs that are dangerous.