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Re: John Walker: What Charges, who'll try him.

> I'm not the listmaster, but _please_ keep these
> kinds of comments off the 
> list. They are bound to get out of hand (I'm
> restraining myself from making a 
> few counterpoints here... (And in case that's taken
> a wrong way, I couldn't 
> care less about who fights for or against the
> Taliban)).

I think this very much has a great deal to do with
Millennium's End.  If a character goes and performs
combat action, that happens to go against a US force,
what would happen to them?

What if the character was associated with a labeled
terrorist organization?  Guilt by association, even if
that person did not perform the offending action?

If the character finds out they are involved with a
terrorist organization, do they have the option of
leaving the group, and rejoining their governments,
without possible future prosecution?

There are a great deal of interesting international
law aspects involved here, that would add flavor to
any Millennium's End campaign.

Jeff Pawlowski
Millennium's End: Officially Unofficial

"I don't want to watch a movie about a guy that has trouble saying 'I love you' unless he's been shot in the face."  -- Ray, Everybody Loves Raymond.

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