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Re: Driving in Europe.

----- Original Message -----
From: Ann <annfranchi@hotmail.com>
To: <millenniums-end-l@firedrake.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 8:25 PM
Subject: Re: Driving in Europe. was: John Walker: What Charges, who'll try
> Before going to Europe I can obtain an International Driver's License with
> my valid US driver's license - a reciprocal agreement.
> Hypothetical case:  Man, woman, two children (19 and 17) all legal drivers
> in the US, are planning a trip to Europe.  They will rent a car and tour
> without a schedule, seeing as many countries as they can, sharing the
> driving chores.
> Since both children are legal to drive in the US, are they also both legal
> to drive in Europe?  All countries?  Some countries?  How can I find out?
> (Since the family vanishes somewhere on route and BlackEagle/BlackEagle is
> hired by the kids' grandparents to find them, this information might be
> important ...  <G>)
> Ann

Here in the UK the legal age for driving a car is 17 years. I don't know
about the rest of the EC, my apologies for that.

Lee Williams
ICQ 25628876
Associate Editor - DEMONGROUND: Reflections of a Darker Future