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RE: Re: Cybergames plans for ME.....

I think the big argument is that HG have never invested anything into ME.
They have produced one sourcebook (very good though it was), and simply
regurgitated all the stuff that was out there ten or so years ago. How can
that be trying to make money?

The GURPS approach is interesting. I recently discovered (living under my
stone) that GURPS Lite is available as a free download. Making ME the same
might revive popularity. If it doesn't make any money, why not? You still
have the opportunity there if money can be made off the supplements.

-----Original Message-----
From: srydzews@ix.netcom.com [mailto:srydzews@ix.netcom.com]
Sent: 05 April 2002 17:41
To: millenniums-end-l@firedrake.org
Subject: Re: Re: Cybergames plans for ME.....

"There is no new material in the works....all of [my] time is devoted to the
game that actually makes my company money. ME, even if we started putting
out a whole slew of new books, will not make my company any money"

Ouch.  Well, fair enough.

What I've heard so far:
1) HG should just give it away, then, and hope to make money off the

You never make more from the supplements than you do from the rules.  This
proposal is basically the reverse of the 'D20' approach.  While I'm not a
fan of the D20 system, I think the business model behind it is sound.  At
least, more sound than the reverse.  I can't imagine HG wanting to do this.

2) Let's design a new game (analagous to "let's put on a show in the

Er, I think we're on this list because we like the ME game, not some
ME-like-game-that-studiously-avoids-being-ME.  Plus who's going to design
it?  The list? Sounds rather like a rifle designed by a committee.

3) Jeff Pawlowski has a game.  It's great.  Or there's Porter's EABA

Well, okay, these may be great games.  If what we're after in ME is the
setting, then other rules to implement that setting may be viable.  Although
copyright again puts us in the situation of needing the setting to be
ME-without-being-ME.  But in any case, I think what makes ME worthwhile and
in any way distinctive is the rules.  We're going to throw those out in
order to have some game to be named later with a 'technothriller'

Here's my thoughts: