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Re: DD question

Franz Tezel wrote:

> I recently printed out all the info available on milleniumsend.com and seen
> there is less DD damage for ammo and firearm stat changes.........anyone
> know why this is?  is the DD more realistic at those values?  also is this
> what most people use?  or the ones who have seen it?  I jsut want opinoins
> on it, cuz I am gonna start to run a game this weekend and want to know what
> the best to use would be.........

I would use the quite extensive list put together and placed on the
MillenniumsEnd.com web site by Mr. Thomas and Mr. Pendergast. I also feel that
the experience of at least one of the authors places the list in good stead.

Also, I was an Infantryman and have had the capabilities of assault weapon
rounds demonstrated to me in controlled and uncontrolled examples and will vouch
for how closely the listed DDs for those rounds reflect the real thing.
