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Re: Millennium's End Website starting up

1. I have petitioned for, and received, condonement of
use for "millenniumsend.com" from the proper
authorities for the purposes stated below.  You seem
to be particularly concerned about Charles Ryan, and
again, I will state as before, that I've been in
contact with him.  I've also been in contact with
other contributors to the published volumes to get
possible contextual support for the site.

2. I have registered, and intend to put up a
Millennium's End Website, for no other reason than
that I love the game.  As you state that I'm a
newcomer to the list (since the list has been a very
hard to find if you are not looking for it), I am NOT
a newcomer to Millennium's End or to other
role-playing, and have been a fan and owner of
virtually all supplements from the day they hit the

3. I happen to be very happy and secure with my
financial state.  Though I do not view this website as
any form of charity, I do feel that I can assist
fellow fans of the game to express themselves.  There
was not too long ago a time where I had more ideas
than money to bring them to fruition.  I believe that
anyone with an opinion or idea about the game should
have a forum, validated simply by being a fan of the
game.  I know that I want to know about these ideas. 
Not only do I want to maintain the dwindling
population of ME players, I greatly wish to expand the
population.  As you see, "charity" is not a good word
to use as I can see myself as a great benefactor of
additional ideas and material, as well as more

You also wanted to know what the "plan" was for the
site.  That is very simple.  It really is the "golden
brick road" as you put it.

What does the site offer?  

1. A conduit for information.  ALL websites, eGroups,
webrings, gaming groups, this mail-list, and anything
else related to ME will have a link.  I will only NOT
put a link on the site if that website owner
specifically asks me not to (since some people pay for
their websites by the bit).  No discrimination of any
sort will be used (besides having ME content).

2. Free webhosting.

2a. A conduit for websites.  Many people have websites
like Drew's with addresses like
http://www.netacc.net/~baker/ME/me.htm.  This makes
them hard to find.  My host will allow unlimited
subdomains.  http://baker.millenniumsend.com can be
easier to locate.  Affiliate link would be provided at
the main www.millenniumsend.com site.  Whether you
host at my site, or use the subdomain as a redirector
does not matter to me, as long as I am contributing to
my goals, stated above.

2b. Free webspace.  Along with cryptic URLs, some
people are paying for their sites.  Within reason, I
volunteer to take that burden, if it ultimately
strengthens the ME community as a whole.

2c. You keep ownership and administration.  I can
offer many things, but my own time is not something I
can offer.  In all cases where someone hosts with my
site, they will be given private, unrestricted
administration of their site.  I will not, in any way,
put up advertising or administer other money making
scheme(s).  I will not, in any way, claim any
ownership of material within their administration
zones.  The closest affiliation to those sites I will
have will be a special tag of "Affiliates" under
links, to denote that those links are using a

3. Maintenance of "community" by supporting
communication between fans, and the free-flow of

3a. I have in the works a web forum directly linked to
an NNTP server.  While many of you have "pay by the
minute" internet plans, I've found a way to meet the
needs of the "download and read offline" group and the
unlimited "web-forum readers" group.  One can either
use the webforums to read, post, and reply to
messages, or one can use a "USENET" reader to
subscribe to "newsgroups"/forums, "synchronize" and go
offline, connecting and uploading responses in one
chunk as many do with this mail-list.

3b. I want to provide a location for people to
"publish" their work.  Many of us work on optional
rules, MEFCHP, additional source material, etc.  What
use is it if we don't get it out to the other players?
 Again, anything submitted would be posted, regardless
of any personal opinions felt by me or others. 
Ownership of the "article" would be retained by the
author.  Editorial section will also be provided to
allow opinions to be expressed.

3c. Group support.  There are many small ME player's
groups all around the world.  They can publicize their
exploits, advertise their groups, and exchange ideas. 
Most importantly, they will be advertising their
existance so that they can be easily found by other
players in their areas.

As you see, my motivation IS selfish.  I want easy
access to the material.  I want to hear the new ideas
and see the homebrewed supplements.  I want more ME
players.  All of my intentions are directed at these
goals.  I hope that others are just as selfish and
want these same things for themselves.  If this helps
others while helping myself, all the better.

Jeff Pawlowski

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