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Re: OT posts, an answer, and my sarcasm button (you asked...!)

On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 02:42:00AM -0700, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
>The Millennium's End mailing list has, from its very earliest days, been a
>community--not a subject.  As such, while there are certain things which are
>always on topic for the list (discussion of the ME game and world), there
>are very few subjects which are absolutely off topic for the list (general
>political rants, etc.).

Generally, anything which is relevant to the game is allowed. Other
things are OK in the short term, but if the discussion goes on for too
long (in my entirely subjective judgement, based on list traffic levels
at the time among other things) I'll ask people to take it off-list.

>If your post is of interest to the community, it is absolutely not
>verboten--in fact, please share it.  Now, as it so happens, many of us on
>the list are firearms enthusiasts--so yes, we can get into long discussions
>about whether Remington Golden Sabres or Ranger SXTs are the optimal
>hollowpoint for defensive use, even though in game terms they have the exact
>same DD.

And some of us play ME-like games under systems such as Phoenix Command,
in which that might actually make a difference.

Roger Burton West - roger@firedrake.org - gamer since 1984
5. The easy way is always mined.