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Re: FBI re-evaluation of issue weapons ->Re: Armored cars

According to Benjamin Lott, on Wed, 14 Feb 2001 the word on the street

> > I wasn't talking only about firefights; I was making a general statement
> > that having a choice in equipment will increase expenditure, regardless of
> > whether it's firearms, cars, shoelaces, or whatever that you're talking
> > about.
> 	I was talking baout firefights, only thing to do with a gun besides
> train with it.  In my experience, no amount of training can equal a
> "natural" fit.

See, I think that's why you don't understand what I'm saying: you are
talking about using guns in firefights, while I'm talking about escalating
costs if lots of different kinds of similar equipment are bought :)

> > Which is comparing apples to oranges. If they had three or four different
> > models of 4WD, ten different "cruisers" (whatever those may be) and a
> > similar number of types of "interceptors" (ditto) available to officers
> 	A mid 80s mustang and a 2000 Camaro are quite a differnce, and as far
> as In kknow, they do in-house repair and maintence.  

Only one of each, right? If they had twenty of each, they'd want to train
their own maintenance personnel, get a warehouse with spare parts, etc.
because that's cheaper than buying spare parts when they're needed. In
which case it's going to be cheaper still to standardize on only one type of
vehicle instead of using two, due to the bulk rate discounts they'll receive
on parts and all that. But with only two actual vehicles, maintenance and
repair costs won't be significantly different whether it's two identical
vehicles or two different ones.

> 	In short, let's agree that we disagree=)

Sure. Just be warned that I like to get the last word in ;)

Gurth@xs4all.nl        -        http://www.xs4all.nl/~gurth/index.html
->       NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Triangle Virtuoso        <-
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Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998